Monday, September 21, 2009

Why the Rich Are so Cold

This was a series of studies which was published in Psychological science. This study reveled that money indeed has power and can influence the amount of emotions a person feels. The more money the less emotional and physical pain a person feels. To prove this researchers tested subjects, allowing one group to count and stack of $100 bills, and another to counted a stack of black paper, afterwards immersing their hands into 109 degrees hot water, those who counted the money experienced less pain as opposed to the group which counted the black paper. In another research a group of students counted a stack of $100 and played computer game which they tossed a ball with other players. A few of the players were excluded from the game. Those who handled the money was not a distressed about been excluded from the game, those who handled the paper esteemed themselves lower than the others. Because money is associated to power and control it can influence responses to pain, physically and emotionally.


  1. This is an interesting proposition into how people develop in today’s society. Through pop culture the rich are shown to be exactly how the findings in this article find them to be as arrogant, nonresponsive, and self motivated individuals. I am sure there are exceptions to the rule but from what I have witnessed this seems to be the case in the real world when money equals power equals sternness/coldness.

  2. the people who i have known to be rich definitely live a lifestyle that they don't care what happens to them because they know they have the money to do what ever they want. When money is in someone's hands they don't care about anything else.

  3. I defiantly agree in saying the more money a person has the more powerful a person feels. I feel that this has defiantly played a role from the beginning of time and people have learned from the passed and passed down the tradition. Nowadays many factors play a role in the ways people think for example media, music, etc.
